lunes, 8 de abril de 2024

Dear women of my life


Dear women of my life:

I have to write a “Thank you letter” and choose a woman, but I must say, luckily, I have a lot of special women in my life and I can only thank them all for everything they did and are still doing.

Thanks to my family, my grandma, my mom, my sister, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, because they are kind and tenacious despite a hard life. Moreover, they set an example for me due to their strength and high spirit.

Thanks to my friends, because, even though they could be far away, they are always a support to me, as well as that they give me moments of happiness too.

Thanks to my teachers, both women, because they give me their knowledge in the best way, learning different languages.

Finally thanks to all women, though I don´t know them, for getting up every morning and struggling to survive in this world everyday.

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